Collection: Our Privacy Policy


We are dedicated to delivering exceptional services while prioritizing and valuing your privacy. Our commitment to upholding your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy delineates our comprehensive approach, outlining the policies and protocols governing the collection, utilization, and disclosure of your information when engaging with our websites or utilizing our services. This policy is designed to inform you about how we handle your data and underscores our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your information throughout your interactions with our platforms and services.

Please take a moment to carefully review this privacy policy before engaging with Our Services.

Definitions and Understanding of Context

In this Privacy Policy, the term "FireplacesPro" (referred to interchangeably as "We," "Us," "Our," or "FireplacesPro") pertains specifically to FireplacesPro.

"Device" signifies any tool capable of accessing the Service, such as a computer, cellphone, or digital tablet.

For the scope of this Privacy Policy, the term "Operator" refers to FireplacesPro or its affiliates, encompassing its officers, directors, employees, and agents.

"Partners" denotes affiliated entities with whom we may share Your information. These Partners have the capacity to utilize and retain Your personal information and may uphold their distinct Privacy Policies and Terms of Service, unique to their operations.

The term "Service" (also referred to as "Services") encapsulates the Website, our Services, or both, including any other services provided, offered, referenced, or facilitated by Us, in collaboration with other third-party entities. This collaboration may occur via various communication modes such as phone, email, text, or any other communication method, irrespective of the service being offline or online.

"Terms" signifies the conditions stipulated within this Privacy Policy, representing the agreement governing Our conduct concerning the privacy, use, and storage of Your information.

"Site" (alternatively known as the "Website") pertains to Our online platform accessible through the web.

The term "You" (also denoted as "Your") specifically refers to the business entity accessing or utilizing the Site and Service. This could encompass the Company or any other legal entity acting on behalf of said business while accessing or utilizing the Site and Service, as per the applicable context.


This privacy policy encapsulates the guidelines applicable to individuals visiting our Website, including You as a visitor.

In your capacity as a visitor to the Site, there might arise instances where You provide Your personal information to Us. This information exchange occurs when You seek to acquire Our services through Our Site.


In our pursuit of delivering exceptional services tailored to Your needs, we engage in the collection of Your personal information. This practice allows us to optimize service delivery, offer pertinent information regarding Our services, and ensure the safeguarding of Your personal data through reasonable measures.

When You, Your associates, agents, delegates, or other users access the Service, we may gather various categories of information, including but not limited to:

i. Your email address

ii. Your contact particulars

iii. Your card and/or payment details

It's important to note that by providing any information relating to other entities to us, You affirm and ensure that You have duly obtained the necessary consent from the respective entities to share their information with us.

We may gather personal information concerning You, obtained from the details furnished while completing an Application or any other forms available on our Site or a Program. This information may also be obtained through interactions over the phone or in person.

Furthermore, our servers automatically collect data from Your interactions, encompassing Your domain name, the websites You navigate, and Internet Protocol (IP) address. While this data isn't personally identifiable, any communication or responses provided by You during interactions may lead to the collection of Your personal information.

In instances where You utilize FireplacesPro on mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc., We may retrieve your mobile device identifier and IP Address.

Should a third party not undertake payment on your behalf, we will procure the billing and financial details essential for processing charges related to FireplacesPro. Additionally, in scenarios where another entity manages your purchase process, we may receive the billing and payment particulars that you provide to them. Our Terms of Service delineate the policies and terms pertinent to our charging and billing methodologies. It's important to note that establishing an account via a third-party payment processor might be subject to supplementary policies.

During your interaction with our websites or utilization of our Services, We may collect two primary types of information: (i) Technical information pertaining to your mobile device or computer system, encompassing the IP Address and mobile device ID. (ii) Usage statistics concerning your engagements with the website.

This collection generally occurs via server log files or web log files known as “Log Files," mobile device software development kits, and tracking technologies like browser cookies. Certain cookies placed on your computer are associated with your user ID number(s).

Utilization of Information

In cases where it aligns with our legitimate interests, We may employ Your personal information for various purposes:

  • Prevention of fraud or potentially illegal activities, and enforcement of Our Terms of Service.
  • Provision of information regarding our Services via email, text, phone, or other communication methods.
  • Enhancement and refinement of Our services, aiming to improve and develop them further.
  • Keeping Our records up-to-date, conducting necessary checks mandated by applicable regulations or regulatory guidance.
  • Enhancing Your experience by ensuring the Website is user-friendly and tailoring Services that match Your interests.
  • Customer service endeavors, including addressing queries, responding to Feedback, and managing complaints.
  • Fulfillment of specific purposes concerning Your interactions via the Site or any form of communication or access to our Services.

Where You have provided Us consent, We commit to sharing information about new Services, events, promotions, and other pertinent details that might interest You. You retain the option to withdraw Your consent at any time. Please note that withdrawing consent does not impact the legality of processing based on consent before its retraction, and a reasonable time is allocated thereafter for system updates. For managing Your details or altering privacy preferences, feel free to contact us using the information provided in the "Contact Us" section.

We utilize Your email address to establish communication with You. Subject to Your consent, we may send electronic communications pertaining to Our services or introduce new service offerings. Additionally, we may request Your feedback on the services provided. You possess the choice to opt-out of such electronic communication. Furthermore, we might monitor Your email interactions to assess the efficacy of our communication strategies.

Dissemination of Personal Information

We may engage other companies to render services on our behalf, which may involve the provision of Your personal information. These services encompass a spectrum, including payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, customer service, and support in our marketing endeavors.

The disclosure of Your personal information to third parties is justified in certain circumstances that align with our legitimate interests. Such instances comprise:

  • Collaboration with analytics and search engine providers aiding us in refining and optimizing our Site.
  • Obligation to reveal Your personal information upon request by law enforcement, regulatory bodies, or government authorities. This obligation may arise to fulfill regulatory responsibilities, prevent or detect fraud, crime, or for other reasonable purposes.

It's crucial to note that, except as stated in this privacy policy, we do not intend to vend or unveil Your data to any other external party.

In situations such as a merger, acquisition, or asset sale, where our assets are involved, Your information may be shared. In such circumstances, we are committed to communicating this change to You. Furthermore, we reserve the right to assign Your contract to another party, and upon such assignment, Your information may be shared with them. You will be duly notified of any such assignment.

It's pertinent to recognize that certain third parties requiring access to Your information may operate in territories or countries outside the United States. These entities are subject to the pertinent laws within their jurisdictions, governing the information we disclose to them.

Duration of Retaining Your Information

We may retain your information only in a fully anonymized form to ensure that there's no possibility of tracing it back to you. We understand the critical importance of safeguarding your anonymity within the data we store.

Our commitment extends to maintaining your data for the briefest period necessary. Consequently, we undertake to erase any data that becomes outdated or unnecessary, ensuring that we adhere to minimal data retention period


Tools for Monitoring Activities and Cookie Usage

We utilize cookies and comparable tracking technologies to monitor activity on Our Service and store specific information. These tracking technologies encompass beacons, tags, and scripts, which aid in the collection and tracking of information, subsequently enhancing and analyzing Our Website's performance.

It's important to note that you can configure your browser settings to decline all cookies or notify you when a cookie is being transmitted. However, not accepting cookies might restrict your access to certain parts of our Programs or Site.

Cookies can be categorized as either "Persistent" or "Session" Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain stored on Your Device (e.g., personal computer or mobile device) even after you go offline, whereas Session Cookies are deleted once you close your web browser.

We employ both session and persistent cookies for the following purposes:

i. Necessary / Essential Cookies: These are crucial to provide You with services available through the Website, enabling the use of specific features. They assist in user authentication and prevent fraudulent use of user Accounts. Without these Cookies, the requested services cannot be provided, and they are used solely to deliver these services.

ii. Cookies Policy / Notice Acceptance Cookies: These Cookies determine whether users have consented to the use of cookies on the Website.

iii. Functionality Cookies: These cookies help us remember preferences You set when using the Website, such as login details or language preferences. Their purpose is to offer a more personalized experience and save You from re-entering preferences on subsequent visits.

iv. Tracking and Performance Cookies: These Cookies track information about Website traffic and user interaction. The data collected, often linked to a pseudonymous identifier associated with the Device used to access the Website, may directly or indirectly identify You as a visitor. Additionally, we may employ these cookies to test new advertisements, pages, features, or functionalities on the Website to gauge user response.

Statistical analysis
We engage third-party service providers to oversee and conduct an analysis of how our Website is utilized. One of these service providers is Google. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that monitors and reports website traffic. Google utilizes the data gathered to track and analyze the usage of our Program and Site. This data is also shared with other Google services. Google may employ the collected information to tailor and personalize advertisements within its advertising network. To prevent your activity on the Program and Site from being available to Google Analytics, you have the option to install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. This add-on blocks the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from transmitting information regarding visit activity to Google Analytics. Moreover, you can opt out of specific Google Analytics features by adjusting settings on your mobile Device, such as your Device advertising settings, or by following the guidelines outlined in Google's Privacy Policy:
For more information on Google's privacy practices, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:


Security of your personal information

The security and protection of Your Personal Data are of utmost importance to us. However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is entirely secure. While We endeavor to employ commercially acceptable practices to safeguard Your Personal Data, absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

To ensure the security of your personal information against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, we employ various measures, including:

  • SSL Protocol: When transmitting personal information (e.g., credit card numbers) to other websites, we utilize encryption methods like the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for enhanced protection.

Despite our commitment to implementing appropriate security measures, it's important to note that no data transmission over the Internet or wireless networks can be entirely secure. Consequently, while we strive to safeguard your personal information, it's important to acknowledge that: (a) the Internet inherently carries security and privacy limitations beyond our control; and (b) the assurance of security, integrity, and privacy concerning exchanged information between you and us via this Site cannot be absolute.

Access to information acquired from our websites and web pages is restricted to our employees, agents, Partners, and contractors. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to reasonably protect personal information within our capabilities.


Permission Requests and Choices

If you wish to obtain details regarding the personal information retained in our servers, you have the right to request this information. Please contact us via the email address provided below to initiate such a request.

Furthermore, if you prefer to cancel, withdraw, or restrict the extent or nature of the information we gather and retain, you can also get in touch with us. Please feel free to send us an email at the following address:

Modifications to this Privacy Policy

Periodically, we might make updates to our Privacy Policy. Any alterations will be communicated to you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on this page.

In the event of significant changes, we'll endeavor to notify you in advance through email or by displaying a prominent notice on our Site before or when the changes take effect.

We recommend reviewing this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about any modifications. Please note that the changes made to this Privacy Policy are deemed significant when they are posted on this page.


Jurisdiction Law

This agreement is subject to the laws of California, U.S., to the fullest extent allowed by law. You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in California, U.S., for all disputes arising from or related to the use of the Site. The use of the Site is prohibited in jurisdictions that do not recognize all the provisions of these Terms, including this particular section.


Disunion and Abstinence

In the event that any provision within this Policy is deemed unenforceable or invalid, that particular provision will be revised or interpreted in a manner that fulfills its intended objectives to the greatest extent possible under the applicable law. Meanwhile, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect, unaffected.

However, aside from the aforementioned case, if there is a failure to enforce any right or require performance of an obligation under this Policy, it shall not impede a party's entitlement to exercise such right or demand such performance in the future. Furthermore, the waiver of a breach shall not signify a waiver of any subsequent breaches or violations.



The combined content of the Terms in this Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions, the Shipping Policy, and the Return Policy, represents the comprehensive agreement between You and Us, encompassing Our Partners (pertaining to the information We have about Your account from those Partners), regarding, but not restricted to, the Site, Services, and all information therein. This amalgamated set of policies supersedes all prior written or verbal agreements between You and Us concerning the Site and Services, encompassing, but not limited to, any associated elements.

Contact Us

If you require further clarification or have any inquiries pertaining to these terms, please feel free to contact us.

For any assistance, you can contact us via email at:

Our mailing address:


1007 N Orange Street, Suite #2520,

4th Floor, Wilmington, DE - 19801

For store inquiries, you can call us at +1 (844) 494-7710.